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Best kinetic sand for kids (Gift Review)


Children are almost synonymous to mess. So give them something messy—a good kind of messy. Kinetic Sand is also great for a child’s development because it encourages sensory play. Children are very exploratory, especially during the first seven years. When you give them something that encourages them to use their senses, children will learn more and they will enjoy more. Sensory play, in general, helps children develop thinking skills as well as language, physical, social and emotional characteristics. Kinetic Sand mostly engages all senses.

There are five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. When it comes to Kinetic Sand, hopefully children never engage the sense of taste during play. But the rest of the senses are fair game. The Kinetic Sand has a distinctive scent but it’s not very important during play, but in terms of child development, it is still quite helpful that children will have an idea how Kinetic Sand smells. The sound is quite subtle but it’s quite soothing. The sight and the touch are the senses mostly used in playing with Kinetic Sand and all sand games. This is the modern version of the clay. The Kinetic Sand, though, is finer and is easier to mold. A child develops their ability to create and build through sand play. Also, children improve their hand-eye coordination through sand play. When they use their hands in molding the sand, they are developing the strength of their hands. They also begin to appreciate aesthetics.

Kinetic Sand is like Play-Doh’s younger sibling. It also has sets that come with molds to allow children to create perfectly shaped items made of colorful sand. Kinetic Sand is the best kinetic sand brand created by Canadian toy company Spin Master. As the brand loves to say, Kinetic Sand is made of 98% sand and 2% magic.

Here are some of the best Kinetic Sand products for kids:

Kinetic Sand – Sandcastle Set

Kinetic Sand The One Only Sandcastle Set 1lb Sand, Molds Tools (Colors Vary)

When it comes to sand play, the first thing that really comes to mind is building sandcastles. Children don’t always have a chance to go to the beach so take part of the beach to them by giving them this Sandcastle Set from Kinetic Sand. The set comes with a pound of sand, some three molds and a sand scooper. This will make the child feel like they are really in the beach trying to form a castle. However, since the child will mostly be at home to play with this set, it comes with a sand box so the sand will be contained. The box is also some sort of platform for the sandcastle.

This is very good for children at least three years old. At this age, children really start to like building things. As they grow older, they become good at building things. So if you plan on giving younger children a gift, this is a great one! The child could get busy for hours just building the sandcastle. Also, the child can build other things not really to a castle if they want to.


  • Fun to play with
  • Allows children to be more imaginative
  • Made from natural sand
  • Non-toxic
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Adults will enjoy it too


  • Contains only one color per set
Where to buy:

Kinetic Sand Scents – 4 Pack

Kinetic Sand Scents, 32oz 4-Pack of Cherry, Apple, Chocolate and Vanilla Scented

As the name implies, this product smells really great. It contains four packs; one pack comes in one color and a distinctive scent. The red one smells like cherries, the green sand smells like sour apple, white smells like vanilla, and brown is distinctly chocolate. This Kinetic Sand is definitely the most delicious-smelling set in the brand’s lineup. It is like hitting two birds with one stone: the child learns about colors as well as scents.

The Kinetic Sand in singles is fun enough, when it comes with four colors, you can just imagine how much fun the set is for children. The set has four bags of sand at eight ounces each. The child’s creativity will be elevated because they can mix and match their creation with different colors. They can be more imaginative with what they make.

Also, when the child mixes the different colors with the different scents, they create something else entirely. Children can basically experiment with this set. It is a perfect gift for whatever age the child recipient may be. Parents will even enjoy playing this set with their children.


  • Fun to play with
  • Comes in four colors
  • Children will learn about colors and scents
  • Made from natural sand
  • Non-toxic
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Adults will enjoy it too


  • Scents may be too strong for children with sensitive nose
Where to buy:

Kinetic Sand – Single Container

Kinetic Sand - Single Container - 5oz - Blue

The brand calls this its Signature Sand. It is the perfect gift for a three-year-old especially if you are just trying to introduce the concept of sand play to the child. This single container, in the shape of a castle, contains at least 4.5 ounces of sand. That is definitely the right amount for an introduction to sand play. With that amount, you can already mold basic shapes, which is perfect for children who are three years old. At that age, most children are already able to recognize different colors as well as different shapes—the most basic ones like circle or round, square, triangle and oval, among others.

Kinetic Sand comes in different colors, too. Every castle container has only one color. There are many colors to choose from. There is white, blue, green and violet, among others. The Kinetic Sand teaches a child different things in just one castle of sand.

For first-timers, they should not be too worried about giving Kinetic Sand. While the product is made of real sand, it is not as messy as the sand in the beach. This moldable sand keeps a child’s hands free of the sand actually. This is because the sand sticks together. Another important thing you should know, Kinetic Sand is hypoallergenic. So it is definitely an appropriate gift for children.


  • Fun to play with
  • Various colors to choose from
  • Made from natural sand
  • Non-toxic
  • Hypoallergenic


  • May not be enough to truly enjoy sand play
  • Small particles may end up in child’s mouth
Where to buy:

One of the ever magic toys ever produced is kinetic sand. It's the best connect sand toy in the market today. The main reason for this is, kinetic sand only sticks to itself, and it never dries out, and you could mold and form endless shapes with it.

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