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Easy Magic Tricks for Kids to Do at Home
One of the greatest audience for magic tricks is kids since they just love magic and can’t seem to get enough of it.
Every childhood includes magic tricks in them. Some may remember how your mom or dad would let you guess where the coin is at their hands. Or how afternoons were spent doing peekaboo games.
Oh, those are unforgettable moments of childhood. Everything seems magical if you’re a kid. Performing magic tricks with your kid at home would encourage them to continue to discover things first-hand.
Here are some easy magic tricks that your kids could do at home. It’s a fun way to learn too and for them to have a foray of information on things while doing magic tricks. Let them wonder in the world of magic and that Abracadabra magic word they would love to say!
Here are some of the classic easy magic tricks that kids would fall in love doing at home.
An egg in a bottle trick
The things needed to do this trick are an egg and a bottle with an opening that is smaller in diameter than the egg, a thin strip of paper, and a drop of vegetable oil.
Would it be possible to out an ordinary egg into a bottle with a smaller opening and not breaking it? Yes, you can.
You need to boil an egg and then remove its shell. Apply some vegetable oil in the opening or mouth of the bottle.
Put the thin strip of paper alight and place it on the bottom of the bottle, then place the egg on the mouth of the bottle right away and the egg would easily slide inside!
How did it happen?
The flame burns the oxygen in the bottle that leads to the formation of rarefied air inside. The reduced pressure inside the bottle together with the normal pressure outside both act to easily slide the egg into the bottle. The egg is flexible in this case, and it fits through the narrow mouth or opening of the bottle.
I can’t imagine how the kids would react to this trick!

Make a finger disappear
This is a classic magic trick that kids would be fond of. You need to present the back of your left hand to your audience and with your finger up.
Then, take your first finger and thumb of your right hand, and pinch your finger on your left hand at the knuckle.
Your next move is to wiggle your left thumb a little and say, The first thing you have to do is get a tight grip. A little acting is needed as you pretend that you are going to pull hard on that finger by getting a better grip on it. When you are on a better grip of your finger that it’s time to do the trick.
While still keeping the back of your left hand toward the audience, you are going to bend your left hand’s finger down and bend your right thumb to the right and put them together to make a fake finger that your audience would see at the top of your left hand. There should be a line between the 2 half-thumbs where the knuckles would touch.
You can then slowly slide your right hand and thumb, with finger cover it along the top of your left hand about 2 inches to the right. Then you have to slide it back quickly. Be sure to act that it hurts because it’s no joke to pull off your finger!
See how it could be easily done in this link below.
Telekinesis Trick
This is a trick to show that you could move things with just using your mind. You would be needing a large bottle in which you can fit your hand around, a little water, and a sauce sachet.
Fill the bottle up with water and place your sauce sachet inside the bottle. Then, act that you’re concentrating on the sauce sachet and move one of your hands up as if to direct it. With your other hand, gently squeeze the bottle at the same time. This would move the sauce up and look like you have telekinesis powers.
To be able to move the sauce sachet down, do the same, but this time you should loosen your grip on the bottle.
After Thoughts
Kids would be easily amazed by these easy magic tricks. All of these tricks use items that you can just find around your house.
They're very easy and simple to learn and perform so kids would love them and be convinced of your powers.
You can find magic tricks kit for kids on Amazon.
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