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How many blocks in Jenga?
The game aims to dismantle a tower made of wooden blocks by removing each block one at a time from the tower and at the same time place the removed block to the top of the tower to complete a turn that would make the tower taller.
As the Jenga tower is built higher, the structure then becomes weaker as more blocks are removed that would eventually cause the tower's inevitable collapse. This can come from any time, height, or level in the game.
Jenga is a very exciting and tense game that can be played by 2-4 people. It is a very unusual game that can be played competitively but more usually is played in a spirit of cooperation as all players try to build the Jenga tower as high as possible but with someone losing in the end.
How many Jenga blocks are there?
One of the most common questions “how many pieces in a Jenga game?” because it looks like there are many of them. The set of this game is similar for all its varieties and includes a special sleeve to form a tower and 54 polished wooden blocks. All components of this game are wooden, smooth, and lightweight.
Despite that Jenga has a large number of pieces, each of them is made of the natural wood from the Alder tree, has a rectangular shape, and is smooth to touch. All the blocks are high-quality and durable so that Jenga will endure years and games to come.
Each Jenga block size is three times as long as its width, and one fifth as thick as its length . A classic Jenga game consists of 54 precision-crafted, specially finished hardwood blocks. Each Jenga piece size is 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 7.5 cm.
How are these wooden blocks used?
Before the game proper, you need to build a neat, tidy 18-story tower from the small blocks.
For Jenga players, the game commences as the tower is set-up because the construction of the tower by hand is already a task in itself that would require a good eye and a solid hand from the player.
How to build Jenga?
The wooden blocks should be laid out three in a row, neatly stacked to each other wide side down. On the next level, they should be placed perpendicularly to the direction of the previous row.
The preparation for the game can be greatly speeded up with the aid of a special sleeve to form a tower. Setting-up the tower by hand is better by hand since you could gauge its weight, texture, shape, and you would have a feel on how to pull it out early on.
What’s in the Jenga rule book?
The rules of the Jenga are very simple: you just need to take out the blocks from the lower levels and build the topmost level out of them. When the previous level is not completely built, you cannot go and start the next one. Blocks could be lightly taped, pulled, or pushed but it is completely prohibited to use both hands at the same time.
The rule is strict to one hand, one brain, one player only at a time.
It’s an edge-of-the-seat type of game wherein the player should have a steady hand and to take a deep breath before each turn. You would need to be wise to choose your move each of your turns to ensure you wouldn’t be the culprit to make the tower to collapse.
And so as the game would progress and block after block until the tower will be ruined under its entire weight. During the game, the center of gravity of the tower could shift and change and you need to use all your agility and attentiveness in order not to become the cause of the ruin of the tower.
There are a lot of Jenga different versions that could be overwhelming. Most of them are quite collectible as each game concepts are different and yet each still uses a Jenga set.
The Jenga copyright and trademark were present since 1983 after Leslie Scott, its creator. She had it trademarked just after the London Toy Fair in January of 1983. The Jenga trademark rights were eventually sold to Robert Grebler, who is the owner and operator of Pokonobe Associates. Today, Jenga is being marketed by Hasbro, its Milton Bradley label.
Visit the Jenga website to view all their existing variations of Jenga.
How to make a house out of Jenga blocks
Here's a simple way how to make a house out of Jenga blocks in the video below.

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After Thoughts
It is considered that Jenga is one of the most popular games in the world and has outsold monopoly by now.
It’s such a feat indeed for Jenga to have come this far from its humble beginning as a game invented by a young student using her kid brother's wooden blocks.
This only proves that Jenga is truly a wonderful game that offers complete entertainment fun play that improves and develops a lot of physical and mental skills to its players while they’re having the times of their lives!
Checkout some of the bestselling Jenga on Amazon.
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