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Best Magic DVDs of all time


Here is one of the best magic DVDs of all time.

It's available in just one volume or a complete set with 3 volumes of DVDs and 2 books as well.

Visions of Wonder 1-3 (Tommy Wonder)

Tommy Wonder

You need all 3 volumes along with the Books of Wonder volume 1. This DVD was one of the best informative DVDs you'll have in quite some time. Tommy's routine was very thought out from beginning to end.

This set includes 3 volumes of DVDs and The Books of Wonder by Tommy Wonder which is a 2 volume set.

Volume 2 Tricks:  123 minutes

  • Elizabeth IV
  • Rubik's Card
  • Deja Reverse
  • Socked Coins

Tommy goes on to explain his workings on Cough DROP, vanishing birdcage, the boomerang card, the Zombie Ball, and his wonderful ring and rope routine. This volume is filled with so many awesome magic tricks.

Volume 3 magic tricks: 123 minutes

  • Nest of Boxes
  • Coins Across
  • Ambitious Card Plus Ring Box

Tommy also demonstrated his fabulous handlings for two classic effects which are the Card Through Handkerchief and Everywhere and Nowhere magic tricks.


  • DVDs of a great magician
  • Excellently done and conceptualized 
  • Tommy Wonder is a perfect example of a magician who does whatever it takes to get the effect done.
  • Tommy doesn't rely only on the things available in a magic shop
  • The best DVD series that money can buy
  • You'll be amazed by the amount of useful information that this set contains
  • Tommy's attention to detail is an inspiration on how you should look at your magic


  • No negative reviews so far

Where to buy:

Visions of Wonder Vol. 1

Visions of Wonder Vol. 1

Tommy Wonder is a living legend in the world of magic. His routines, philosophy, creative process, and thinking makes him iconic and worthy to be a very good mentor to all aspiring magicians in the world.

He's very good and has superb showmanship that he is hailed by his peers as one of the top performers and a very smart magician and he's one of the most important magicians of our time.

He has the number 1 DVD and a set of fantastic 3 volume DVDs.

The first volume includes five magic tricks.

Volume 1 magic tricks: 123 minutes

  • The Ring, the Watch, and the Wallet
  • Magic Ranch
  • Through the Eye of The Needle
  • The Tamed Card
  • Two Cup Routine


  • Some of the best close-up magic performances ever shown. 
  • The price of the DVD is worth it just for the performances. 
  • The value in this DVD is just not in the tricks but the thinking behind the tricks
  • One of magic's best
  • Anything with the name Tommy Wonder is going to teach you something wonderful in magic
  • Must-have


  • No negative reviews so far

Where to buy:

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