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How to build a racetrack for toy cars


You don't need to splurge a lot of cash to be able to create fun activities for your toddlers. You could use some cardboard and duck tape for a DIY racetrack yourself at home.

The materials you will need are the following:

  • Cardboard box
  • Duck tape
  • Marker pen
  • Scissors
  • Toy cars

Instead of just making one track, you could make two, so your kid can use two cars and start his or her own race.

How to build a race track with these materials is quite easy. Just follow this procedure.

  • First, cut the cardboard to a rectangle shape
  • Then, bend its sides, so the cars don't fall off  just like there's a pavement 
  • Use the duck tape to be able to stick the 2 tracks together
  • Using a marker pen color the track to make it more attractive
  • Do take another cardboard and role it so you could use it as a stand to your track 

You could watch some videos of toy cars racing using a DIY  race track.

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