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How do you color sand?


Are you aware that there are a lot of ways to color sand? Here are more ways to color sand as colored sand is widely used in a variety of sand art activities. There is a lot of colored sand that's available, but you could try to experience coloring it with your kid.

It would be a worthwhile experience you'll not regret!

Using Liquid Food Coloring - Just mix and add liquid food coloring to the water before mixing it into your Kinetic Sand recipe. This method will make the sand very wet, so it'll need to be spread out to dry. You could use paper towels and a cookie sheet to dry.

Don't use something that could be stained, and remember, it won't dry completely even if you spread out the kinetic sand because it's meant to stay moist.

Using Paint Powder or Colored Chalk - You could grind the chalk into powder or do your way to pulverize the chalk. Then mix it in with a little of the kinetic sand. This method is a lot like dry tempera paint, but it wouldn't have much pigment and wouldn't be as colorful as tempera paint powder.

Use a dye - Pour dye onto the sand. Any kind of dye will work for this project, but fabric dye would be the best to produce the most vibrant colored sand.

Dry tempera paint powder – Another great sand colorant is the Tempera powder that could be purchased in most arts and crafts stores. This would work awesomely since tempera paint washes off better than food coloring stain. 

Start with a cup or two of sand and 1 teaspoon of dry paint and mix well. Add more paint, 1 teaspoon at a time, mixing each time until your desired color is achieved.

Alcohol-based ink – This is the ink that you use with your stamp pad. You can buy two alcohol-based ink in any office supply store. Add 1-2 drops at a time and mix well.  This might stain the skin more permanently because the kinetic sand stays moist. 

The alcohol in the ink dries quickly, and the pigment leftover stains the sand. The alcohol in the ink may dry out the kinetic sand, and this coloring might work better for dry sand.

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