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Best Core Set 2021 Decks


Next MTG set release

Core Set 2021 is set to release on July 3 for paper users and June 25 for those who play on MTG Arena. Unsurprisingly, the MTG Arena users will get to try the set first since Wizards of the Coast has traditionally liked to release the game digitally first.

Here are some of the best decks in the Core 2021 set. It was the most recent magic the gathering upcoming sets that many players waited for.

Elite Mono Green Stompy Deck - Aggro Devotion - Modern Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card!

Elite Mono Green Stompy Deck - Aggro Devotion - Modern Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card!

This Elite Mono Green Stompy deck has 60 card custom Magic the Gathering aggro/devotion deck.

It is an incredibly aggressive mono-green deck that could consistently win by turn 4. The goal is to quickly cast cheap, efficient creatures, that could grow through the evolve ability, with counters, or very efficiently costed creatures like a 5/4 for 3 mana.

Once you have an army out, cast aspect of hydra to attack for 20+ damage by turn 4!

Modern legal, Ready to play!


  • Mono-Green Stompy has been performing extremely well recently and has quickly risen in popularity among Magic: The Gathering players.
  • The Questing Beast is a big contributing factor to this deck’s success. This creature is extremely hard to destroy and is effective against Planeswalkers.
  • The deck also received help from the addition of Scavenging Ooze because of its much value in the current format since it's able to exile pesky cards like Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath.
  • Mono-Green Stompy is a midrange deck that’s particularly hot right now because of how well it performs against the powerful Simic-based strategies
  • This deck would be great for you if you would like to play fair Magic and you would want a powerful, straight-forward creature-based deck


  • No negative reviews so far
Where to buy:

Bant Ramp

[missing link at the moment]

Bant Ramp Deck no Yorion has 4 Breeding Pool, 3 Uro, 1 Dream Trawler, 3 Hallowed Fountain, 3 Temple Garden, 1 Fabled Passage, 4 Teferi, 3 Nissa, 3 Cavalier of Thorns, 1 Finale of Devastation, 2 Elspeth Conquers Death,2 Questing Beast, and the other usual suspects.

Bant Ramp is by far the best control deck to play in the format right now.


The Azorius variation can control the board better but lacks a strong late-game presence of the Bant Ramp deck

The Bant Ramp could effectively deal with threats while packing a few threats of their own

This deck provides the best shell for Teferi, Time Reveler, while also being able to fully utilize the late-game power of Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath. Plus, with the addition of Scavenging Ooze and Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse

It has the tools to win any match-up


No negative reviews so far

Elite Rakdos Sacrifice Escape Deck - Black Red - Very Powerful - Modern & Pioneer Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card

Elite Rakdos Sacrifice Escape Deck - Black Red - Very Powerful - Modern & Pioneer Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card!

The Elite Rakdos Sacrifice Escape deck has 60 black and red card custom Magic the This deck takes advantage of graveyard effects, sacrifice abilities, and recurring creatures to generate a huge amount of value and overwhelm your opponent.

First, the sacrifice outlets wherein the Witch's oven would allow you to sacrifice any creature, generating food tokens. Woe Strider allows you to sacrifice and scry, and several other creatures such as cauldron familiar can sacrifice themselves.

Next, abilities that could generate your value when you sacrifice. Careless Celebrant and Mayhem Devil both damage your opponent when sacrifice effects occur. Midnight Reaper can draw cards whenever you sacrifice a creature, and Woe strider allows you to scry.

Finally, Mire Triton and Gravebreaker Lamelia would help you get cards into your graveyard to escape, and Reassembling Skeleton and Cauldron Familiar are creatures that could be sacrificed and recurred endlessly, absolutely burying your opponent in the value you generate.

This deck is modern and pioneer legal and ready to be played.


  • The Rakdos Sacrifice is essentially a combo Magic: The Gathering deck that revolves around the sacrifice synergy between Cauldron Familiar, Witch’s Oven, and Mayhem Devil.
  • These cards create an extremely effective game-winning combo, which is also hard to interact with.
  • Rakdos Sacrifice is particularly strong against Temur Reclamation and Bant Ramp, purely because of how fast the deck gets its combo online.
  • Rakdos Sacrifice is more consistent and has a better match-up against aggro decks. The Jund variant might be stronger during the late-game, but the combo takes a while to set-up.


  • No negative reviews so far
Where to buy:

Also, no matter which Magic The Gathering decks you decide to play, you have to be sure you would always have a way to deal with Teferi, Time Reveler, and Wilderness Reclamation. Most probably you’ll be running into these two cards quite often while climbing your ranked ladder, so better be ready and plan ahead of time.

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