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What's the name of the game where you stack the blocks?


Leslie Scott, Jenga's inventor, wanted a unique name for her product. She doesn't want to use a descriptive name like tumbling blocks or building blocks hence the name, Jenga, which means to build in Swahili.

She stood to keep Jenga as she wished that when people say Jenga, everyone would think of the game and nothing else.

After that, others joined the bandwagon and produced their Jenga inspired building blocks. But, when people still ask, What's the name of the game where you stack the blocks? They would automatically reply with Jenga!

Jenga had built its solid reputation and has instant recall and association when it's about stacking and building blocks is concerned.

It's even referred to as wooden blocks stacking board games nowadays. These wood toys have carved their niche in the toy industry.

Other names for Jenga are block stacking game, stacking tower, building blocks tower, and a lot more.

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