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Moon Sand Starter Kit


This is one of the best moon sand starter kit.

Moon Sand Dinos

Moon Sand Dinos

There is moon sand white and pink moon sand and in almost all colors. This moon sand dinos includes green and orange moon sand. This set would enable your kid to make dinos and rocks.

This is a great moon sand starter kit that could mold 3 dinos and bury their bones in the sand and dig them up over and over again and it comes in a lot of colors.

The set includes 10 oz. green sand, 10 oz. orange sand, 3 dino skeletons, 3 dino molds, and a rock mold.


  • The molds are durable
  • A better choice for older kids from 4 and up with more attention span to knead and warm-up the dough
  • The kit is cool because there are dinosaur skeletons included so that your kid can mold them into the rock or in the dino molds
  • This is a good magic sand activity for the kids
  • The sand holds together well


  • The moon sand comes in plastic bags that are not resealable
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