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Jenga Toys


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You would find this cute take-off of Jenga toys in this very fun and creative sushi stacking game.

It’s a Jenga-inspired toy that’s super entertaining.

IUP OH! Sushi Game

IUP OH! sushi game

This sushi game is very much like Jenga except you're using a pair of chopsticks to move the pieces. This adds to the challenge by making it much more challenging to do and watch.

It comes with these wasabi strips that go inside the pieces. It’s part of a game that could be similar to truth or dare but they're designed more towards Japanese people. It'd be more fun to make your strips to fit your taste.

It's a super cute game and worth your time and money too!


  • An awesome variant of Jenga and with lots more fun to the game
  • Colorful pieces are so much better than the plain ones
  • It's so cute
  • All of the pieces fit together well.
  • The colors are vibrant and the design is adorable
  • There’s the inclusion of the wasabi punishments or tasks
  • It adds an extra level of fun to the classic style of stacking game


  • Super cute and it has a great concept but it’s made from plastic and it’s much lighter than the traditional Jenga blocks thus making it more challenging to play
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