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How to test for borax and other chemicals in your pool


If you happen to be using any boric acid products or your DIY borax pool treatment, you could test the levels of borates in your pool by using the AquaChek Borate Test Kit. 

You could test the borate levels in your pool monthly or as necessarily to be able to maintain the residual of 30-50 ppm of borates in your pool’s water.

AquaChek 551236 7-Way 100 Count Pool Water Test Strips

AquaChek 551236 7-Way 100 Count Pool Water Test Strips

This AquaChek 551236 7-Way 100 Count Pool Water Test Strips is your ultimate pool water tester as it contains a 7-way strips measure.

It could test your pool’s water of free chlorine, total chlorine, bromine, total hardness, total alkalinity, pH, and cyanuric acid by simply dipping it in your inflatable children's pool and you’ll get the results in 15 seconds.

There is a reusable color chart comparator on the side of the bottle.


  • The readings are accurate
  • Easy to use water tester strips
  • It gives true readings especially on the pH and Alkalinity levels
  • It’s a comprehensive tester that includes a borax test kit
  • Value for money


  • It might be a little tricky for some to read the colors initially but it gets easier with practice
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