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Where can I buy the game Zingo?


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Zingo offers a fast-paced excitement and learning with a touch of the classic game of Bingo. Simply slide the Zinger to reveal the picture tiles, make a match, and fill the 9 spaces in your card to win. It contains images with printed words and brings with its green and red side two levels of play to make this the perfect game for your kid to grow with.

It's quite easy to play as you just need to slide the Zinger, make a match, and fill your card to win.

You'll get this game complete with a Zingo! Zinger, 72 Picture Tiles, 6 Double-Sided Zingo! Cards,  and Instructions and Parent's Guide.

It promotes and teaches image identification and vocabulary recognition, matching, memory, concentration, and social interaction for ages between 4 to 8 years.

This award-winning game is widely available in the market, although it's advertised to be discontinued by ThinkFun.

You could avail and buy the game Zingo at the leading stores near you and on top-selling online platforms.

These are the most trusted sellers to get the Zingo Bingo for your little one.

It's not just Bingo but the ultimate Bingo word game for your kid. It's not just a super fun and educational toy, but it truly helps build your kid's language skills.

It also focuses on your kid to learn to spell and improve their short-term memory while at the same time, learning about shapes, identifying images, and pattern recognition.

It's a game worth adding to any kid's game collection as it's a gem to be passed on for future generations to come.

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