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How to clean an above the ground pool after draining?


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Above the ground pool is the most practical pool in today’s world.  It’s very affordable for everyone, and it also costs less to maintain and clean it.

Like any other pool, you have to clean it for hygienic purposes aside from having a filter pump and some sanitizing agent treatments. What’s good, though, is you could do it all yourself, and you get to save a lot of money in doing so.

The best timeframe is to clean your above ground pool at least once a week.

This is the step by step way to clean your above the ground pool.

The first step to do is drain your pool. This is the foremost thing to do to be able to clean your pool. Drain your pool using your electric pump.

Here’s how to drain an above the ground pool:

  • Place the intake hose of your pump in the middle part of your pool under the  water
  • You need to have a safe place for your drained water to go, and you’ll direct the outbound hose there
  • With your dry hands, turn on your electric pump
  • Let your pump to run until your pool’s water is fully drained
  • Turn off your pump when you’re done with the draining of your pool

The second step is to remove your pool liner and gather all its accessories and attachments aside and keep them all together.

Spread it out, and you could have your cleaning solution next.

Mix 1 part bleach with two parts of warm water. Get a sponge or a soft cleaning cloth and a brush. Wipe all the areas of the liner or your pool’s surface with the solution. Next is to brush it gently to remove all the dirt.

After this, you could just wipe your pool liner or your pool using a soft cloth or paper towels. There should no longer be traces of the bleach.

Lastly, put back the liner, and you could refill your pool with water, and it’s already clean.

Some pools don’t have liners, so you could clean your pool’s inner surfaces instead.

After Thoughts

It’s very easy to clean above the ground pool after draining.

Let your kid and your family enjoy more and have more fun in a clean pool. It would be hygienic, non-slippery, and free from molds and algae.

Make it a habit to regularly clean the above the ground pool in your home. It does pay of!

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