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How often to change water in inflatable pool?


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Water in your inflatable pool should always be clean and safe. This would ensure that’s it’s free from germs and bacteria.

Changing your inflatable pool’s water would be dependent on the size of your pool and if you have treatment in it.

Small inflatable pools that are geared for toddlers should have their water changed after each use. These shallow wading and paddling pools are not safe to add disinfectant to their water. And since it’s just water, germs could spread more easily on them.

For the mid-size inflatable pools that don’t have any sanitation, it’s mandatory to drain and refill the water every 2-4 days to prevent bacteria from growing that could harm all the kids or people using them.

On the other hand, larger inflatable pools would require a filter and disinfection. There are manufacturer’s instructions on how to filter and disinfect these larger inflatable pools to prevent the spread of germs and protect its users. The water still needs to change every two weeks.

If no chlorine is added, then the pool should be drained every other day to be safe from bacteria. Stagnant water without chlorine could become harmful water in 1 to 2 days.

It would be better to use a pool filter in a larger inflatable pool. It is sold separately in most cases. You could safely run the filter when there is no one using the pool.

Aside from a pool filter, a pool sanitizer would prolong the life-span of your water in the pool. You could add chlorine tablets that would maintain your pool’s chlorine levels. Chlorine is very efficient in killing germs, most especially recreational water illness.

But by using chlorine, you need to monitor your water’s pH levels to ensure your treatment is working. You would need to purchase a digital reader and test strips to check your water, and it would tell you if the pH levels in your pool are too high. It would show you that the chlorine isn’t working as it should be.

After Thoughts

Inflatable pools always give a lot of fun and joy for reasonable prices. It could be enjoyed to the fullest if the water is safe and clean to avoid making it a breeding ground for bacteria, germs, and insects.

The best is to change the water every each use and have fresh water the next time you use it. But, in some cases where you have a bigger inflatable pool doing so would be wasting too much water.

If this is the case, make sure you treat your water using a pool filter and sanitizing products like chlorine. Be always on the look-out for your pool’s water safety.

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