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How to clean kinetic sand off wood floors?


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Kinetic sand feels so satisfying as it has a silky texture and creamy feeling in the hands. It's never clammy, lifeless, and thick like clays like play-dough. It doesn't feel gritty and dry as ordinary sand.

It's made with 98% fine sand that's coated with a polymer in the form of silicone oil. It has a property that it only sticks to itself. You could expect it to not be sticky, slimy, or gooey at all. It does feel heavenly in your hands that's incomparable to anything else.

It's magical as it acts like a magnet to itself as it's the sand that only sticks to itself and nothing else!

Children might accidentally drop kinetic sand on their wooden floors, and when it does fall to the floor, you could just touch and pick a piece and mold it into a ball and dab it against other pieces that fell, and it's good to get it all.

Also, this sand is so easy to pick up if dropped on the carpet. Again, you could grab a ball of the sand and pick up the tiny pieces on the floor by pressing them together. It even picks up the tiniest piece right up; therefore, no mess at all.

Anyone would be pre-occupied for hours just running their fingers through the kinetic sand that feels very therapeutic too. It could be an adult sensory and anti-stress thing now.

Some parents wouldn't be contented by simply picking up the pieces and would still want to clean their wooden floors. To clean kinetic sand off, you could use a dishwashing liquid mixed with water. Use ¼ cup of the dishwashing liquid in a bucket of water and dip a rag into the solution. It would be great to gently scrub your floor and rinse it by wiping it with a rag dipped in just water. Continue to rinse until you get off any films and oils on your wood flooring.

It would also be wonderful to wash the hands of your kids before and after playing with kinetic sand. Make sure that their hands are completely dry when playing with it to make sure it won't stick to their hands.

After Thoughts

Kinetic sand provides one of the easiest clean-up after play. Even the tiny pieces that you picked up could be joined again to the rest of the sand, and it's ready to be played again.

As compared to real sand, this way better because instead of a big mess, maybe just a little manageable mess.

It's so fun to play and not only for toddlers but also for adults alike. It's super cool fun for all ages!

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