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Can Baby Yoda save Star Wars?


It took this diminutive bundle of delight to bring back the same luster that Star wars gave the galactic universe more than 40 years ago.

Nobody envisioned how warmly receptive the Star Wars fans would be in Baby Yoda's coming. Fans could not be happier with this adorable character introduced as The Child but were given the name Baby Yoda for its resemblance to Jedi Master, Yoda first shown in the 1980s The Empire Strike Back.

Star Wars generation people would relate to the excitement with Baby Yoda as it was the same acceptance and love they gave Yoda.

Time might be more different and complicated now as compared before with more issues and struggles to face head-on, but Baby Yoda gave a welcoming breather and breath of fresh air to all ages. The Mandalorian series came in when we need something worth watching again that would relive nostalgic memories of the original Star Wars.

The last three Star Wars offerings Solo: A Star Wars Story and the Skywalker Saga were badly received for its poor creative decisions. Here come along The Mandalorian that gave back the franchise to its beginning.

The world of Tattooine was the early setting of the 1977's original Star Wars film. The first Star Wars was very relatable because it's easy to understand the storyline and how it was delivered on the screen. It was directed by George Lucas, also its creator.

This early, everyone would agree that Baby Yoda saved Star Wars and the rest of its galaxy because of its timely appearance and where people misses the way films were before. Now, the fans are awaiting the screen debut of Baby Yoda on the larger screen.

With the fascination of the fans with Baby Yoda and he's still an infant, we could foresee and foretell long more years of him until he becomes a toddler, a teen, an adult, and an old lovable Jedi Master like Yoda.

It could also be that long-time fans had been attached to Yoda, but his character was only short-lived and only in two Star Wars films. Baby Yoda captured the old, young, and new fans of this saga.

What are the factors that made Baby Yoda save Star Wars?

Some obvious reasons and factors made Baby Yoda a hit among viewers and how it saved Star Wars.

  • Baby Yoda brought back the enthusiasm of people in the Star Wars saga as they immediately fell in love with this cute and adorable frog-eating, nap hungry, and cooing infant.
  • Everyone is trying to decipher and solve the biggest mysteries involving this new iconic Star Wars character, and Disney+ has 10 million subscribers on its first day
  • It's simply magical as the puppeteers and the visual effects artists handle it pretty well like it was a real person with a life
  • It gives you a nostalgic and back from the past feeling in this age
  • Social media became agog and crazy with it, along with countless memes that became viral
  • Baby Yoda brought back the interest of people in Star Wars. It renewed their anticipation to look forward to what would happen next.
  • The Sci-Fi saga was always targeted for children in mind, but it became popular with adults too, and Baby Yoda fits the bill of the classic Star Wars tradition.
  • The Mandalorian series with Baby Yoda came in where the audience wants something more after other Star Wars releases that failed their expectations
  • Star Wars would never be Star Wars without the Jedi factor, and with Baby Yoda into the cast gave it a spiritual and enigmatic side like Yoda did and may have been lacking after his demise.
  • The Japanese touches and influences that date back to its roots are once again highlighted as Japan's impact on the franchise has been well documented, and Baby Yoda is the epitome of anime in its looks and wardrobe.
  • Baby Yoda has been hoarding in the adulation of fans and people patronizing its merchandise, making it a bankable breakout star
  • Star Wars has always been known for sidekicks that marked in each film like the Odd Couple bickering of dysfunctional droids C-3PO and R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, and Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back, of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and then Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. And this time, the tradition continues with Mando and Baby Yoda
  • The audience has always been fascinated with the Force, and Baby Yoda is a 100% Force-powered mystical character that's intriguing.

As the rate things are going, there's more in store and ahead for Baby Yoda.

After Thoughts

The Mandalorian is just the beginning for Baby Yoda as there could be infinite possibilities to what the galaxy has for him.

His journey to his galactic mission has just begun.

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