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How much are Nerf guns at Walmart?


Nerf guns are widely available at Walmart, make great Christmas gifts, and they offer great deals on Nerf guns and sets.

You could also stock up on those Nerf gun bullets and refills that always seem to disappear so fast.

One of the price drops in Walmart is the NERF N-Strike Blaster + 30 Darts just available under 30 dollars that’s regularly priced under 75 dollars. That’s more than 50% off its original price. 

Browse on over to Walmart, where you could catch Nerf guns on sale and price below their regular prices.

Walmart offers some of the lowest prices of Nerf guns up to the valuable and expensive models.

Prices of Nerf Blasters at Walmart

The cheapest blasters are under 12 dollars, reasonably priced blasters are all under 25 dollars, midrange priced blasters are under 60 dollars, the expensive ones are under 150 dollars, and the most expensive model is under 460 dollars.

Prices of Exclusive Nerf guns at Walmart

There are fifteen exclusive Walmart Nerf guns.

  • Nerf N-Strike Elite BattleCamo Series Stryfe- under 45 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite BattleCamo Series Firestrike – under 39 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite Trilogy DS-15 Blaster- under 30 dollars
  • Nerf Rival Apollo XV-700 Blaster (Camo Series)- under 15 dollars
  • Nerf Elite Shellstrike DS-6 Blaster- only for Walmart and under 30 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite Rhino-Fire Blaster- under 131 dollars
  • Nerf Rival Mercury XIX-500 Edge Series Blaster- only for Walmart and under 25 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite BattleCamo Series Rough Cut- under 27 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite Splitstrike Blaster with Darts 2 Pack- under 145 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite Jolt Blaster, Includes 2 Official Nerf Darts- for pick-up only and under 4 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite AccuStrike AccuTrooper – under 27 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite AccuStrike Stratohawk-under 37 dollars
  • Nerf Rival Jupiter XIX-1000 Edge Series – under 50 dollars
  • Nerf Rival Heracles XIX-500 Camo Series – under 20 dollars
  • Nerf Mega CycloneShock Blaster- under 20 dollars

Prices of Super Soakers at Walmart

The cheapest Super Soaker is under 5 dollars, the reasonably priced soakers are all under 25 dollars, mid-priced ones are under 65 dollars, the expensive soakers are under 120 dollars, and the most expensive is under 311 dollars.

Prices of Micro Shots at Walmart

The cheapest Micro shot is under 7 dollars, the reasonably priced ones are under 20 dollars, and the expensive ones are under 57 dollars.

Prices of Nerf Sets at Walmart

  • Micro Ice Storm Collection- under 50 dollars
  • Micro Trio- under 25 dollars

Targeting Sets

  • Nerf Rival Saturn XX-1000 Edge Series Targeting Set, Only At Walmart- under 40 dollars
  • Nerf Alpha Strike 11-Piece Stinger SD-1 Targeting Set, Great for Stealth Battles- under 15 dollars
  • Nerf Alpha Strike Fang Qs-4 Targeting Set 8 Darts 13 Pieces- under 40 dollars
  • Nerf Alpha Strike Cobra RC-6 Blaster and Target Set- under 40 dollars
  • Nerf Tech Target Set- under 124 dollars
  • Nerf Fang QS-4 Dual Targeting Set 18-Piece Set - Walmart Exclusive- under 13 dollars
  • Nerf N-Strike Elite Precision Target Set- under 13 dollars

Legendary Supply Drop

  • Nerf Fortnite Supply Drop- under 100 dollars

After Thoughts

Walmart, just like Amazon and Target, always offer greatly priced Nerf guns that are very desirable, irresistible, and very popular to kids and adults alike. 

Grab the latest and lowest deals in town, and you’ll never regret it.

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