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Why is Exploding Kittens NSFW?


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NSFW is an abbreviation for not safe for work that means it has explicit adult content, and its content, especially when sharing internet material, should only be looked at in private because it contains some things, for example, pictures of naked people, that could be offensive.  It comes as a warning of the content of certain materials, whether games, books, websites, and so forth. 

The Exploding Kittens NSFW Edition contains mild explicit illustrations that are meant for grown-ups from 17 up. 

As for the Not Safe for Work version of Exploding Kittens, it has penises and nipples, but it comes pale in comparison with other adult-orient card games that are way too explicit in illustrations and more vulgar in language.

The gaming theme and mechanics are good, and the set collection and options are great. The tension and thrill as to when a kitten might explode stays throughout the game. You get so much relief as you could get from or more defuse cards. You're pretty aware that other players also have Defuse cards as well onhand.  

This is a game you will play a lot, and it does not fail to disappoint as it becomes better and better as you master your strategic plays and how to play your cards well. The NSFW Edition has tension, cool artwork, and naughtiness with decent boundaries in it. 

It has the perfect engagement factor in play since you're always alert on the cards of your opponents too. All games in NSFW are unpredictable, thus giving it a very high replayability value. The artwork is done by one of the best in the person of Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal fame.

The cards are of standard thickness; hence it has good quality. And lastly, it has awesome player interaction since everyone is on the lookout for what each other are up to.

After Thoughts 

The Exploding Kittens NSFW Edition is the naughty older kitten version for the mature population with an age recommendation of 17 up.

Not bad since it's the same banana as the original version but with bolder and some explicit graphics. It has game mechanics, and NSFW should be on the label as a warning that it's only for the grown-ups. 

The game just usually takes 20 mins at most and is full of lighthearted naughty tension, laughter, and the hope you get more than 1 defuse card to have the edge over your opponents!

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