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Why Leapfrog Connect Won't Dowload?


LeapPad Jr.

The LeapFrog Connect is like the vessel that allows you to download apps for your LeapFrog products. You can add games and educational activities to your product through LeapFrog Connect. You can also customize your settings through it. You can still use your LeapFrog products without downloading it. However, downloading it means maximizing the benefits the LeapFrog has to offer.

If you’re having problems downloading this program, don’t worry, it might just be a simple issue. One reason could be the driver. Maybe the driver was not installed properly. You have to consider looking at this.

Another reason for this could be that there was a problem with the sync. Here’s the thing, when you download LeapFrog Connect, an open connection to the internet is essential. It is not compatible with proxy servers, which usually happens with some security scans. This is apparent when you are using ESET NOD 32 Security.

There is a way to solve this. You would have to disable the security system. It’s just temporary. You can easily enable it after. You can disable the program via the Windows Start button. Once you have disabled it, restart your computer. After disabling the ESET, you also need to disable the proxy server. How? Go to Internet Options in your Control Panel. Then click the Connections tab, followed by the LAN Settings button. There is a box that says: Use a proxy server for your LAN. You have to uncheck that box.

After you did all that, try to sync again. When you are successful with it, you can enable your security program again.

For those who have a different security program, you can still try to follow the steps if the issue is similar. For other problems, LeapFrog has its own Customer Support tab on their website.

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