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Are Mega Bloks Toxic?


Most parents are hesitant to give their kids toys that are made of plastic. As it is common knowledge, most plastics are toxic and can be harmful to children. However, most toys are made from plastics, although more and more manufacturers are creating plastic toys that are non-toxic. Countries like Canada and United States also have certain toy safety standards that toy manufacturers should meet in order for them to be considered non-toxic.

One popular toy for kids is the Mega Bloks that is owned by Mattel. Mega Bloks are construction set toys intended for young children to enjoy, create, discover, and develop certain skills. It is a great toy to give to children that are interested in constructing and using their imaginations. A nice toy to keep kids busy for a long time.

However, the big question is if Mega Bloks are toxic? Of course, as a parent, your child’s safety is your priority. You would never want to give your kids toys that will harm and make them sick. As per the manufacturers of Mega Bloks, they claim that their toys are non-toxic and that all of their product lines had met Canada’s and United States’ toy safety requirements, particularly for PVC and BPA.

Although Mega Bloks claim that their toys are safe and are non-toxic, many parents are still uncertain about giving Mega Bloks toys to their kids. One reason is that their toys may still contain some traces of PVC. As for the United States and Canada’s toy safety requirements, plastic toys can still contain traces of PVC but with an allowable limit to pass their safety standard.

It may be hard to confirm whether or not their products are completely free of BPA or PVC, which are considered toxic; however, they can guarantee that their toys are safe enough for children to enjoy and play with. Since they passed the toy safety standards, it would be safe to say that it will not harm your kids.

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