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What is the Jenga record?


What is the Jenga record

The usual time to play one Jenga game is two minutes for set-up time and between 5 to 15 minutes play duration.

There are records set in Jenga that are very impressive.

The holder of the fastest time to build a stable Jenga tower into 30 levels high within the rules of the game is 2 min and 51.04 seconds and was done and accomplished by Tyler Measel and Ryan Measel from the USA in Pilesgrove, New Jersey on June 7, 2014.

The world records "fastest 30-story Jenga tower" game has these rules:

If you’re interested to challenge or try to beat a record that is published in a list in a book or governed by an international authority, there are other or additional rules to the game.

This record is for the fastest time a Jenga tower be constructed to 30 levels.

The tower is to be stack up from the Jenga blocks with a strict set of rules for the commercial Jenga game.

Participants can take as many breaks as they would want to.

The tower should be built in accordance to the rules of the classic game with levels of 3 bricks.

The witnesses should keep count of the levels as the tower is constructed.

The attempt is should be made by two participants.

Both of the participants should attempt by using one hand only. Their other hand must be by their side or behind their back during the duration of the game.

The time for the attempt starts from the moment they begin with a stopwatch.

An accurate stopwatch must be used to measure the time of the attempt to break a record.

As you can see below, here is the list of the world record in stacking a 30 level Jenga successfully.

Simon Spalding and Ali Maili from Great Britain last August 17, 1997, at 12:27 minutes.

Sabrina Ibrahim, John Chua, and Alex Agboola from Great Britain last January 28, 2003, at 11:55 minutes.

Silke and Ralf Laue  from Germany on October 8, 2004, at 8:19 minutes

Dan Mogan and Anastasia Carpanzano  from the USA on April 1, 2005, a1 4:04 minutes

Tyler Measel and Ryan Measel also from the USA on June 7, 2014, at 2:51 minutes.

For more interesting and fun Jenga record setters, please visit the link below:


After Thoughts 

The latest and fastest world record to play the game successfully was in 2014 in only 2:51 minutes.

Will there be a new world record to beat this figure? This, for now, remains to be seen. It would be such a feat to be able to challenge the existing 2:51 minutes.

But, who knows? With Jenga, the possibilities are boundless and infinite!

You can buy Jenga blocks on Amazon.

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