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What is Kinetic Slime?


Some folks decided to merge kinetic sand with slime that resulted in kinetic slime. It’s a slime that is not as slimy as any normal slime is but has a sandy texture into it because the sand makes the slime to be smoother.

You could make your homemade kinetic slime with these ingredients.

1 cup of fine white craft sand

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 tablespoon unscented liquid dish soap

1 bottle washable white or clear glue

Food coloring

Scent extract

Contact solution

What is in contact solution? It’s a solution used in contact lenses that contain boric acid that serves as a disinfectant that would keep the wearer’s eyes fungus-free.

Just follow these steps accordingly:

Mix the sand, cornstarch, and dish soap in a glass bowl until well incorporated

Stir in glue and desired food color and scent until it’s well mixed and you have the color and fragrance you want

Stir in the contact solution

Add a teaspoon at a time of the contact solution until the mixture becomes difficult to stir and is no longer sticky.

Knead in your hands until you form a slightly wet ball. Make sure it does not stick to hands. 

Your kinetic slime is ready to be used when you can touch the slime and could pull your fingers away without it sticking.

Long playtime of slime might dry out the hands. Be sure to wash the hands with soap and water after each use.

The best way to keep your kinetic slime in good condition is to store it in an airtight container when not in use.

If you want your slime to be a bit on the runny side. If it is too stiff slowly add in liquid starch.

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