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Why is marble runs the best science gifts for boys and girls?


Marble runs are one of the most popular gifts for 8-year-olds because of their mental, physical, and educational benefits. 

It's no wonder it's the best Christmas gift for an 8-year-old boy and one of the top Christmas gifts for girls 8-10.

It's considered the best science gifts for both boys and girls because it helps them the concept of force, gravity, and friction.  It makes them understand that through force, the marbles could continue to just keep on rolling. While gravity constantly pulls down on the marble, causing it to roll on any surface that's not perfectly level. And friction would occur any time two objects rub against each other. 

If the force of friction is greater than the force of gravity, the marble will roll to a halt or stop. They would learn that by making your track just steep enough to overcome friction, you can keep your marble rolling for a long time!

In marble runs, these learnings would be highlighted:

Friction - It's the force that would slow the objects down when they are rubbing against each other. 

Gravity - is the force of attraction that occurs between all objects. We experience it as the constant force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth. It's hard to defy gravity.

Drag - is the slowing down of something as it moves through the air, water, or other fluid, which causes friction. Marbles could drag because of air pushing against it as it goes around the track.

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