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When are Nerf guns made?


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The same inventor that created Twister came up with the accidental discovery of the now very famous Nerf ball. Reyn Guyer, back in 1968, was testing his new cavemen game with his colleagues, and the prototype of this new game included a bunch of foam-rubber rocks. All the men that were present in the conference room were amused at how fun the balls were to be thrown at one another rather than use in the game.

They realized that they just created the first safest indoor ball, and finally, throwing of balls would be allowed inside the house without the threat of breaking the glass windows and other things inside the house.

The group shaped the foam rubber into a ball, and Guyer offered it to Milton Bradley and rejected it while Parker Brothers welcomed it.

The first Nerf ball was out in the market in 1970, and it was a hit. It was a breakthrough ball that made playing with a ball inside the house was finally fine.

Then America did. When the Nerf Ball hit store shelves in 1970, it was a revolution that brought backyard ball into the living room.

Guyer uttered, Who knew the world wanted a ball that wouldn't bounce? The Nerf ball is simply a molded polyurethane foam, yet it became sensational. Over four million Nerf balls were sold in the first year in the market.

After this came the bigger Nerf ball measuring 4 inches. It was called the Super Nerf Ball. The Nerf owners back then continued to develop more products related to the Nerf ball.  In 1972, the Netfoop was born, which is a basketball game set. Next in line was the Nerf Football that was said to be invented by Minnesota Vikings kicker Fred Cox.

It took twenty years after that Reyn Guyer invented the very first Nerf Gun, the Blast-a-Ball, in 1989, and it was released as a Nerf Blaster. It's a single fireball blaster gun that was sold as a double pack and shoot one ball every two seconds. This was followed by the Nerf Blast-a-Matic that was released and could fire several balls before reloading. These two models were widely patronized and were very successful and were sold in almost every retail store from 1989-1993.

Earlier in 1991, the Nerf Bow and Arrow came out in the market and sealed the Nerf brand as the number 1 armorer of kids everywhere.

In 1991, Hasbro bought the Tonka toy company. With this acquisition came Kenner Products, Parker Brothers, and the Nerf brand of toys.

The following year, the Sharpshooter was a spring-loaded dart gun and marked the start of the Blaster era. It was the Sharpshooter that began using the foam made darts as ammo.

The 90s saw Nerf became gigantic with its array of blasters into guns that fired missiles, balls, and suction-cup darts.

Hasbro continued to produce all the wonderful Nerf toys up to this very day.

After Thoughts

Nerf guns provide great social play and great for indoor and outdoor play. It could bridge that gap since parents could play with their kids with these guns and blasters.

It continues to be on top of its game with the overflowing Nerf guns under 21 categories that never fails to overwhelm kids and adults.

Despite being in the digital age, Nerf guns continue to be relevant because it offers an open-ended play and the freedom for kids to play happily as they please.

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