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Good beach sand to buy


Beach sands often are consisting of mineral grain mixtures from a variety of origin. Generally, sands are composed of a single mineral type such as quartz and carbonate. The minerals and grain sizes would vary depending on its source.

Be Good Company Natural Sand (Refill Pack)

Be Good Company Natural Sand (Refill Pack)

This is a natural sand refill pack with ultra-fine natural color sand. It's great for kids' sandboxes.

It's 1.5 lbs. sand in the package. Sand Refills also available in the following colors of black, blue, red., and purple.


  • The quality of sand is fine
  • Good for crafting
  • Clean sand
  • Perfect size for small projects
  • This is great for all your cactus and succulent
  • Fine enough for beauty products
  • Many uses


  • Not as much sand as I expected
  • It's just ordinary sand and not moldable

Where to buy:

Beach sand buy at Amazon

Kinetic Sand Amazon

Moon sand eBay

All-purpose sand Home depot

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