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Why are magic tricks a hit to everyone?


Why are magic tricks a hit to everyone?

  • It triggers one’s imaginations and people want to figure out the mystery behind it. 
  • People hate to be fooled but they don’t mind being fooled by magic tricks.
  • You are drawn to magic tricks because it goes beyond simple reasoning when one witness something unexplainable.
  • Magic tricks keep your mind thinking and wondering at the same time 
  • Magic tricks use a lot of props and paraphernalia
  • These tricks are fascinating and others are terrifying 
  • People are bewildered on these tricks they can’t control what the outcome would be
  • Magic gives you refreshing breaks from life's reality 
  • Magicians are perceived to be extraordinary people with powers that one would want to be a part of
  • The tricks go beyond the realm of the senses that makes it exciting
  • When you see magic tricks being performed, you get to experience out of these world occurrences that you’ll admire, wonder and at the same time would make you think
  • These magic acts are unique and amazing
  • And lastly, magic tricks are very entertaining and it pushes you to think and wonder how they were done when they seem impossible to do so.

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