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What Nerf guns hurt the most?


Nerf guns are highly in demand and one of the most coveted toys for kids. They are generally safe as long as handled properly and with proper protective gear.

The foam darts and balls could hurt and be painful if you’re hit at a close range and at your eyes. Nerf guns are not killing machines, but there are guns that could hurt more than other models.

Nerf does have the Rival series, where all are very powerful and automatic except the Rival Hera that’s the only semi-automatic one. All Rival guns are for 14 years old and above. Each blaster has a goal of 100fps again; although not all reach that number, most are close enough. The fps is greater for Rival guns because all models have foam ball c ammo, and the actual impact felt could be slightly more than any of traditional elite darts.

What Nerf gun hurt the most?

Among all the Rival series, it’s the Rival Zeus MXV-1200 that is not only incredibly powerful in stock form but could also be modified very easily if you know the basics.

The Zeus MXV-1200 was released in the fall of 2015 under the RIVAL series. It requires six C batteries to be used.

It’s easy to load with its ambidextrous magazine and has innovative features of flip-up sights, trigger lock, and jam clearing door. You could customize it for Rival accessories that are sold separately since it has 2 tactical rails in it.

Which Nerf gun hurts the most?

Most players could swear on the Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega Magnus Blaster as another gun that could hurt the most alongside Rival Zeus MXV-1200. The Magnus blaster fires Mega Darts farther than ever as its Mega Whistler Darts fly 85 feet and scream as they fly.

It has a 3-dart capacity and top-loading clip that would let you reload fast one-handed. It does pack quite a hurtful punch, most especially at very close ranges. Magnus blaster works with Mega darts only.

Which Nerf guns hurt the most?

Aside from Rival Zeus MXV-1200 and Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega Magnus Blaster, there are 3 more Nerf N-Srike guns on the list. It makes the Rival series and some Nerf N-Strike guns the guns that could hurt most.

On the list is Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega CycloneShock Blaster that could also fire Mega darts farther and it could fly 90 feet and scream as they fly, and it has a 6-dart capacity. Its rotating drum lets you fire 6 darts without reloading.

Next is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Delta Trooper that could be customized for it to be battle-ready. It includes an attachable stock and a barrel extension to modify this blaster and it comes with 12 Elite darts that could be fired up to 90 feet and a 12 dart clip.

Lastly, the NERF N-Strike Elite Vulcan/Havok Fire EBF25 Dart Blaster (Blue & White) is a massive and super thrilling fully automatic blaster that could hold up to 25 darts and can fire up to 3 darts per second. It comes with an ammo box, a removable tripod, a 25 dart belt, and 25 whistler darts.

After Thoughts

Nerf guns should be used for harmless fun-filled attack blasting and war games not to hurt. You could own a powerful Nerf gun that could hurt, but if you use it responsibly and fairly and avoiding to aim in the eyes and head at all times, then nobody would be in the position to be injured.

Always practice all precautionary measures and be always guided by the rules of the game.

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